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FUSELEEDS04 - experiences in new music - kicks of on 3rd March 2004 and features dozens of events, performances, films and seminars around the city.It is a biennial music festival for Leeds, broadcast in association with BBC Radio 3.

Wrath are going to be getting involved on Saturday 6th March at FUSENETWORK - a day of workshops, seminars and networking for musicians and the industry in Leeds.

The event is at The West Yorkshire Playhouse, Leeds from 12noon to 6pm and Wrath will have some kind of stall as well as Paul from Wrath presenting a collection of the best locally produced pop videos.

Come along and goad Wrath about their records and why they do it! Or perhaps find out how to do it yourself by asking the plethora of bands, promoters, label-types and music-types there.

Check out www.fuseleeds.org.uk for programme updates or more information on events.

