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...and the heap of junk they rode in on

Over 80 minutes of promos, live footage and interviews including six tracks each from
Being 747, Farming Incident, Galitza and The Scaramanga Six. Region free.

Being 747: Weathergirl, Mind of a 12 yr old child, Use your friends, Target Practice (live), I move too fast (live), Biography

Farming Incident: Spindrier, Sputnik 8 ace, Red/White, When Your...(live), Moose Factory (live), Biography

Galitza: You must be the devil, Rattle in me, Stalker, Mini Bar (live), Empty Hands (live), Biography

The Scaramanga Six: Pressure Cage, Big in a small town, You do - you die!, Bane ofmy life (live), Grasp the candle (live), Biography



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